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指南速遞 | 2020 RCOG指南:陰道助產(chǎn)(No.26)
?陰道助產(chǎn)的準備工作 陰道助產(chǎn)可以避免嗎? Encourage women to have continuous support during labour asthis can reduce the need for assisted vaginal birth. A 鼓勵婦女在分娩期間獲得持續(xù)的支持,以減少對陰道助產(chǎn)的需求。A Inform women that epidural analgesia may increase the need forassisted vaginal birth although this isless likely with newer analgesic techniques. [New 2020] A 告知婦女硬膜外鎮(zhèn)痛可能增加陰道助產(chǎn)的需求,盡管使用較新的鎮(zhèn)痛技術(shù)則可能性較小。[New2020] A Inform women that administering epidural analgesia in thelatent phase of labour compared to the active phase oflabour does not increase the risk of assisted vaginal birth. [New 2020] A 告知婦女,在潛伏期與活躍期采取硬膜外鎮(zhèn)痛不會增加陰道助產(chǎn)的風(fēng)險。[New2020] A Encourage women not using epidural analgesia to adopt uprightor lateral positions in the second stage oflabour as this reduces the need for assisted vaginal birth. A 鼓勵未實施硬膜外鎮(zhèn)痛的婦女在第二產(chǎn)程中采用直立或側(cè)臥位,因為這會減少對陰道助產(chǎn)的需求。 A Encourage women using epidural analgesia to adopt lying downlateral positions rather than upright positionsin the second stage of labour as this increases the rate of spontaneous vaginal birth. [New 2020] A 鼓勵采取硬膜外鎮(zhèn)痛的婦女在第二產(chǎn)程中采用側(cè)臥位而不是直立位,因為這會增加自然陰道分娩的幾率。[New2020] A Recommend delayed pushing for 1–2 hours in nulliparous womenwith epidural analgesia as this may reduce theneed for rotational and midpelvic assisted vaginal birth. B 建議硬膜外鎮(zhèn)痛的初產(chǎn)婦延遲1-2小時用力,因為這可以減少中骨盆平面陰道助產(chǎn)和旋轉(zhuǎn)胎頭的需要。 B Do not routinely discontinue epidural analgesia during pushingas this increases the woman’s pain with no evidence of a reduction in the incidence of assisted vaginalbirth. [New 2020] A 不要在用力過程中常規(guī)停用硬膜外鎮(zhèn)痛,因為這會增加婦女的疼痛,而且也沒有證據(jù)表明能使陰道助產(chǎn)的發(fā)生率降低。[New2020] A There is insufficient evidence to recommend any particularregional analgesia technique in terms of reducingthe incidence of assisted vaginal birth. [New 2020] A 沒有足夠的證據(jù)建議采取特定的局部鎮(zhèn)痛技術(shù)可以減少陰道助產(chǎn)的發(fā)生率。[New2020] A There is insufficient evidence to recommend routine oxytocinaugmentation for women with epidural analgesiaas a strategy to reduce the incidence of assisted vaginal birth. [New 2020] A 沒有足夠證據(jù)建議對硬膜外鎮(zhèn)痛的婦女常規(guī)使用縮宮素可減少陰道助產(chǎn)的發(fā)生率。[New2020] A
